Thursday, 20 December 2018

Hello gorgeous. How are you ? (friends only post)

Yep….that arrived in my Inbox….. I guess the 30 yr old from LA, oh no wait, he’s currently stationed in Bulgaria……..though, his profile states he is a standard member and yet shows up Gold, s_ Odelia:Would masturbating to a girl Facebook photos indicate you fancy her?(17 December 2018) Lakendra:My sister is pregnant she’s really sick how can [...]

I actually told him?
(19 December 2018)

Why isn't it legal to rape ugly looking people, since it's doing them a favor?
(19 December 2018)

It's the only sex they're gonna get.
(19 December 2018)

Disappointingly, he didn't, and all I got were a couple pecks during the day.
(19 December 2018)

I'm always the one reaching for him and starting kisses, but I recently stopped to see if he would take initiative.
(19 December 2018)

My boyfriend doesn't like kissing me anymore?
(19 December 2018)

Is it too much to expect my boyfriend to want to kiss me all the time?
(19 December 2018)

Every time I look at him, I want to kiss him over and over again, but it just feels like he doesn't share that same passion and interest in me that I do for him.
(19 December 2018)

He apologized, but I feel like his reasoning doesn't make sense to me.
(19 December 2018)

Still, he continued repeating himself.
(19 December 2018)

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