Friday 21 December 2018


MY BLING_ Tonja:We work together so I can’t avoid him.(18 December 2018) Tonja:Then all of a sudden, he’s texting, calling, and flirting with me when i see him (tease me, sit near me, etc) and it’s really confusing because I’ve moved on but him doing this makes old feelings come out again.(18 December 2018) Tonja:He bluntly told me [...]

Im weak and i want to talk to him and even see him but i refuse to tell him this.
(21 December 2018)

I do miss him and i know he misses me and we still care about eachother and i never WANTED to leave, I did it because i wasn't going to tolerate the games and disrespect.
(21 December 2018)

I know he didnt want me to and it hurt him, but its been a week and 5 days since then and he's been texting me every couple of days...ive missed him from day one, but didnt talk to him because i figured it was for the best.
(21 December 2018)

It was just him playing games about the situation not taking it seriously, and I got tired of it and moved out.
(21 December 2018)

We were together for a year and 3 months, and I lived with him.
(21 December 2018)

I broke up with my ex and I won't get into the details about a week and 5 days ago.
(21 December 2018)

(Controversy) Can a 15 year old legally engage in sexual acts with a 13 year old?
(21 December 2018)

Is it LEGALLY allowed for us to have sex in the Netherlands or be a couple?
(21 December 2018)

I have asked this question before, but due to the misunderstanding of me asking for an opinion, I am asking again.
(21 December 2018)

We are both virgins and have only done things like kissing.
(21 December 2018)

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