Thursday 6 December 2018

A very short list

There are many things that I love about women. To list them all would take months. Today I am goin g to share a few lesser appreciated parts.1. A lovely set of ears [image]2. A graceful neck[image2]_ Audry:Recently this girl happen to strike his attention and for a moment he seemed intreasted and i thought i [...]

I am happy with my parents and siblings.
(4 December 2018)

It's not that this thought is on my mind daily but it comes and go after some days or months.
(4 December 2018)

Idk why it scares the hell out of me.
(4 December 2018)

Okay so I am 21(F), i always have this thought on my mind that I will die in a very young age or maybe soon.
(4 December 2018)

How to be less anxious?
(4 December 2018)

I just want advice on how to keep more calm and stop worrying about this crap.
(4 December 2018)

I appreciate any answers but please don't give me answers that are your opinion on this boy etc.
(4 December 2018)

God, I just want to know how to calm down my nerves and be less anxious and feel less focused on talking to this boy.
(4 December 2018)

When I'm in school I'll be feeling worried all day, not just because of that but to talk to him.
(4 December 2018)

While I find I'm not anxious about that or waiting till he does, but more so in general.
(4 December 2018)

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