Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Thankful …Virtual Symposium Entry

There are many things in life to be thankful for, but the greatest of these has been the gift of more time with my son.If you have followed me, many of you will know I have a special needs son. His ov_ Eileen:Trying to help my son with his issues so he has a better day [...]

I'm been thinking about quiting the bar scene.
(5 November 2018)

I'm in my 30's and been going to bars for years.
(5 November 2018)

Why do women prefer large penises for sex if large penises hurt so much?
(5 November 2018)

I need help....?
(5 November 2018)

I just want it all to end.... Help me please?
(5 November 2018)

Even though I told my mom, she still sends me to see him.
(5 November 2018)

I'm always in pain & crying, but no one ever sees it.
(5 November 2018)

I have never kissed anybody and I m 19?
(5 November 2018)

What is a good German name (girl or boy) that will still sound good with an American accent?
(4 November 2018)

EDIT: I have already searched for names on the internet, I just wanted to see what ideas other people had or if there's any good ones i've missed.
(4 November 2018)

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