Thursday 15 November 2018

Autumn Colors on Election Day

I’m stuck on step three.[image1]It is an interesting race, an I’m sure I will have more to say in the morning. .. Or not. Watching it has been a roller-coaster ride. .. A local race won’_ Kathleen:Honestly I was going through some hormonal issues and if he really wanted the relationship I feel like we could’ve [...]

Okay I know that title may seem ... a little sad.
(13 November 2018)

Is it possible for your body to tell you a guy isnt right for you?
(13 November 2018)

Should I lie to friends and family?
(13 November 2018)

Should we just make up stories so we don't have to deal with the humiliation?
(13 November 2018)

That is how he was certain it wasn't his child.
(13 November 2018)

Her now ex husband was never in the mood which is why she started seeing me so he found out when her baby bump began to show and left her.
(13 November 2018)

I slept with a married woman and eventually got her pregnant.
(13 November 2018)

I never told anyone I have a child because it was a result of an affair.
(13 November 2018)

Me and my girlfriend are having a baby in June we decided on some names if it's a boy Brian Xavier if it's a girl Gertured Marie.
(13 November 2018)

The girl I started seeing is visiting state where her ex is?
(13 November 2018)

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