Friday 26 October 2018

They Wanted To See My Tattoos & They Got Much More.

They Wanted To See My Tattoos & They Got Much More.While at a motel party the guys wanted to see my body tattoos. In order to do this I had to get nude to show them all. So I did get nude to show the_ Kizzie:He has his friends list on private.(24 October 2018) Kizzie:I asked him [...]

Why do people brag?
(24 October 2018)

By what age is a child too old to be spanked?
(24 October 2018)

Neither of my parents ever spanked me, but, my aunt did 'til I was about 10 years old. (I do still have times when if my parents get mad at me for something, I would rather just have a spanking, than most of the things they do to me, nowadays.
(24 October 2018)

Am I just overthinking it, like he's zoning out?
(24 October 2018)

He mostly blurts out the answers than raises his hand, but either way he stares at me.
(24 October 2018)

It's kind of strange because I don't tell him the answers to give him weird looks.
(24 October 2018)

A guy in one of my classes stares at me whenever he answers questions in class.
(24 October 2018)

I had shoes on all day at school today and did not feel like putting them back on for a quick 30 minute drive and it was very comfortable driving in my bare feet.
(24 October 2018)

Since it was warm out and I did not go in anyplace and was only gone for about 30 minutes I just drove in my bare feet and did not bring my shoes.
(24 October 2018)

I just got home from taking my best friend home after she came over after school to help me with my homework.
(24 October 2018)

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