Wednesday 24 October 2018

T-Rex Sex

T-Rex sexT-Rex sex is a loud, passionate and savage encounter.”The couple in the room above, had prolonged T-Rex sex, which broke the bed and brought security!”Now I want to be a dinosaur for Hallowee_ Augustine:I do have a horse at my ranch that i ride but its hard because i dont have the barn environment others [...]

It feels like everyone I meet seems to hate me or something.
(22 October 2018)

It would just be nice to know that someone at my school actually cares about me.. is that too much to ask for?
(22 October 2018)

Like I don't matter to them at all and if I were to switch schools or whatever they wouldn't even care.
(22 October 2018)

It feels like no one at school cares about me and I am unimportant.
(22 October 2018)

I barely have any friends and if I do they are the type of friends that I just talk to during school and after that its like I don't even know them.
(22 October 2018)

I've become really insecure about myself and I've become really lonely.
(22 October 2018)

I mean like I was always kinda that way but its gotten a lot worse.
(22 October 2018)

Ever since school has started I've been really upset.
(22 October 2018)

Posting anonymously because i don't want people going through my questions and answers.
(22 October 2018)

He holding grudges, from weeks ago.
(22 October 2018)

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