Saturday 6 October 2018


Hope everybody that was affected by the rescent hurricane is safe! I’m praying for you and your families. I’m so sorry to the people that lost loved ones in this horrific storm. Try to stay strong_ Glenda:I have mentioned that the gap is too much for me.(8 September 2018) Glenda:I didn’t know how old she was when [...]

She was 15 at the time of the attack.
(4 October 2018)

I wanted to see about having her arrested for the 2007 incident.
(4 October 2018)

She is cruel and demanding and narcissistic.
(4 October 2018)

How do you explain to a young child that it is not appropriate to try to kiss their teachers, peers, distant relatives etc on the lips?
(4 October 2018)

How do you explain to them that people other than their parents or siblings are off limits, especially when a child so young doesn't understand anything regarding sexuality or how an adult could get into trouble for a child being too affectionate?
(4 October 2018)

Some people deliberately go out of their way to annoy others on yahoo answers. True or false?
(4 October 2018)

There can be no other plausible reason than somebody's motivation borne out of malice.
(4 October 2018)

They deliberately go out of their way to bait others on this forum by showing pictures, which they neither want nor expect.
(4 October 2018)

Why do men pretend to be interested if they aren't?
(4 October 2018)

Why would he say he's interested if he isn't?
(4 October 2018)

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