Monday, 15 October 2018

Going back to Shenanigians tonight 10-15-2016

Hope to see some sexy People tonightJ&S_ Miyoko:There’s a girl at school and I wouldn’t say we are friends, friends as in hang out all the time, but we talk to each other in school regularly and get along.(10 October 2018) Yasuko:Why do we blindly follow irrational authorty?(10 October 2018) Charlotte:She wanted me to give her a ride?(10 [...]

I got it last month like usual but I got it while I had the flu.
(13 October 2018)

Today is the 32nd day and no period.
(13 October 2018)

I'm a virgin. 19. Period comes exactly on the dot every 28 days. (Had it since I was period..) Anyway.
(13 October 2018)

When she said no, he came back to me and told me that I was pretty etc.
(13 October 2018)

I really think i love him because he's such a nice guy but apparently after I wasn't too thrilled at the thought of making out, he went and asked that same girl he went out with for 4 days.
(13 October 2018)

And this week our high school took our grade on a retreat, where he asked me if I wanted to sneak out later and make out, and later that night told me I looked great and tried to hold my hand as we walked together in the woods.
(13 October 2018)

Ex boyfriend (M15) and I (F15) broke up about a month ago, but have still been flirting and acting like we re still together, what do I do?
(13 October 2018)

I learned yesterday that in the time we stopped talking, he was with another girl for only 4 days before breaking up.
(13 October 2018)

I noticed about 2 weeks ago we completely stopped talking and he acted as if he was mad at me, and then it just stopped about a week later and he went back to his normal flirty ways.
(13 October 2018)

We were together for about a month, and I was going really well, but he suddenly broke up with me, but continued and still does hit on me and flirt with me and acts like we're still together.
(13 October 2018)

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