Tuesday 16 October 2018


EYES SHUTWhen we’ll write our name a lot of people will forget it.and when we’ll show the face, with the hand, they’ll cover themselves, closing the eyes of the heartnot to see our love._ Jolie:So i text him and told him never to text me again.(12 October 2018) Jolie:They were all saying how mean he was before.(12 [...]

He still asks me to help him and like an idiot I still do.
(14 October 2018)

He has recently gone back to school and started a new position at work.
(14 October 2018)

He tells me that he may have feelings for someone else who is also married with a child but says they are just best friends and I shouldn't care.
(14 October 2018)

My husband and I have been together for a total of 17 years (married for 3). A few months ago he told me that he didn't love me anymore and wanted a separation and eventual divorce.
(14 October 2018)

Should I slide in her dms?
(14 October 2018)

Should I delete this person from my social media? Thanks?
(14 October 2018)

At this point i dont really talk to her, but do get extremely sad when I see her on social media for some reason.
(14 October 2018)

And some other things. which I kept quiet about.
(14 October 2018)

It's been a few months since I last hung out with her and it didn't go well... since she did do some things like text people the entire time we were hanging out.
(14 October 2018)

She said things were okay when they obviously were not and evidence said otherwise.
(14 October 2018)

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