Friday, 12 October 2018

Dev Chapter 6!

The ladies of Longbourn soon waited on those of Netherfield. The visit was soon returned in due form. Miss Bennet’s pleasing manners grew on the goodwill of Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley; and though_ Tamatha:In a way she’s excited in a way she’s really nervous.(7 October 2018) Tamatha:Me and my wife are going to see Hell Fest [...]

Date a coworker? Possibly she's looking for attention or has same feelings as I do?
(10 October 2018)

She has pointed out to me, we're the only two employees who are single and she likes to take a break together privately.
(10 October 2018)

I've recently been liking my coworker and we've seen to form a pretty strong work bond and friendship.
(10 October 2018)

What should I get for the girl that broke my heart?
(10 October 2018)

I want to get her a Christmas gift, but am afraid that if she shoots me down I will be crushed.
(10 October 2018)

I ended up falling in love with her nephew, so I am going to be a part of her family soon, but she still refuses to look at me or speak to me.
(10 October 2018)

I used to be best friends with a girl who completely stomped on my heart and disowned me for reasons that are still unknown to this day.
(10 October 2018)

How should i react to my dads comments?
(10 October 2018)

I talked to him about it and he says he will stop. hes done this twice already.
(10 October 2018)

I don''t understand why it is necessary for him to have to comment.
(10 October 2018)

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