Thursday 9 August 2018

Update On Lunch Date

Yeah, I know that a bunch of you are wondering how my lunch date went yesterday. I have to admit is was very interesting, pleasant and fun. We went for a long walk in a park after. I did discover th_ Amy:Should my girlfriend take a pregnancy test?? I m lowkey freaking out because she s [...]

I stop reaching out last year.. and I just found out today that he's engaged.
(7 August 2018)

I told him that I didn't like him, I regret the kiss and don't take advantage... he haven't talk to me in three years and it hurts because he's my best friend and I love him.
(7 August 2018)

I m worried about my friend (anorexia?)?
(7 August 2018)

I don t know if I have more proof, but I think my friend has anorexia.
(7 August 2018)

She s easily offended and really quite sensitive. 3. Easily gets sick, she is often absent in class.
(7 August 2018)

I m not really sure if she haves anorexia, but after searching on the Internet I think I can see some symptoms. 1. Until now she didn t have her first menstruation yet (although it might be because she s a late bloomer.) 2. Getting easily depressed.
(7 August 2018)

I often envy her for that, until I found out she skips a meal very often.
(7 August 2018)

She s really skinny that my hand could even fit perfectly on her wrist.
(7 August 2018)

My friend is in 9th grade and she s 14 years old.
(7 August 2018)

Is it wrong to reuse this ring?
(7 August 2018)

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