Thursday 9 August 2018

Sex with Android?

Not talking about phone sex. That’s so 1980, after all.Have been watching FUTUREWORLD and WESTWORLD and with the impending TV series on HBO it got our fertile horny minds on sex with androids. You k_ Sierra:Even if they are not a standard size zero?(2 August 2018) Magdalene:Which is more likely to be called a deadbeat?(2 August 2018) Beverlee:My [...]

I am insanely in love with him and our incredibly stunning little babies- wanted to be a young mother and have my first at 19. I'm a 20 year old college Insurance & Law student.
(7 August 2018)

We have a 12 month old baby girl and newborn baby boy.
(7 August 2018)

My Dad flunked out of college and thus brought shame to UCLA by failing and left a scar UCLA might never get over. How do I make up to them?
(7 August 2018)

My Dad hurt so many and only cares about what it did to him by flunking out cause of the failure he was.
(7 August 2018)

How do I make to my ancestors and UCLA?
(7 August 2018)

His brother graduated with honors from UCLA and two years later my Dad brought his shameful ways to the university and brought a scar the university likely is still coping with by a student flunking out.
(7 August 2018)

How do I make up to my ancestors even though all before my Dad have died?
(7 August 2018)

How do I make up to UCLA for what my Dad brought onto them by flunking out?
(7 August 2018)

My Dad brought shame upon the University's good name and brought shame on his family's name and the many good ancestors before him but what he did.
(7 August 2018)

This was 40 years ago and UCLA has never gotten over what my Dad did to them.
(7 August 2018)

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