Sunday 19 August 2018

Points on my licence

I keep seeing this advert on the TV which is for a car insurance company. Now the idea of this is so you can see if you are a safe driver and whether it could help lower your premium for the coming ye_ Shana:Then he whispered something funny during a scene, and I quietly laughed and [...]

Help she's kinda important to me.
(15 August 2018)

Or is it creepy to get her something with her name on the back?
(15 August 2018)

She's athletic, so I got her a hoodie with our school logo on the front and her nickname on the back, real legit and all.
(15 August 2018)

I have this friend, we're not that close, but I decided to get her a present anyway.
(15 August 2018)

She only has the holidays off work very rare she has a weekend off.
(15 August 2018)

She also gets really tired she works as a bartender at one of the restaurants here in town she has strange hours sometimes she works night shifts which is really hard on here but she loves it.
(15 August 2018)

She wishes her parents could be here every year on the anniversary she cries herself to sleep at leat for a week.
(15 August 2018)

Even 6 years later she still gets depressed over it especially close to or on the anniversary of his death.
(15 August 2018)

She got pregnant with our twins at 15 she had them at 16 she was really depressed after he died he was the only one she had her mom died when she was a baby she doesn't remember her.
(15 August 2018)

Her father died a week before our twins were born also the day after her 16th birthday.
(15 August 2018)

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