Friday 24 August 2018


It’s backk!_ Kindra:I found out he proposed to her after 7 months of being together.(20 August 2018) Kindra:It’s been a year since we broke up and after a month or two he started dating this other girl from his work.(20 August 2018) Kindra:We started dating when we both were 18 and broke up after college.(20 August 2018) Willena:Should i [...]

I understand and respect his relationship with his kids.
(21 August 2018)

He has two kids and they mean the world to him.
(21 August 2018)

From the start, his mother has given me a really hard time.
(21 August 2018)

I'm in a relationship going on seven years I was 21 years old when we first started dating.
(21 August 2018)

How can I have a normal relationship?
(21 August 2018)

I've been single for 7 years and I'm used to being alone so I get scared of having someone there.
(21 August 2018)

I start thinking I'm not good enough and that they are just talking to me cause they feel sorry for me.
(21 August 2018)

I start overthinking and getting mad over things that are stupid.
(21 August 2018)

When I start liking someone I get very insecure.
(21 August 2018)

Do straight women prefer approaching women or to be approached by women?
(21 August 2018)

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