Wednesday 1 August 2018

C’est quoi l’amour ?

Je profite de cette tribune pour vous poser une question ?Pourquoi les mecs quand on leur parle d’amour il flippe leur race ? Je suis une femme qui peut aimer un homme ou plusieurs hommes en même_ Tory:Should we apologise to our daughter?(1 August 2018) Daniel:Does this mean he wants to eat me out?(1 August 2018) Paul:I put [...]

I'm not sure if I need to file another relocation with minor children case with the State of Colorado, especially since the new location is much closer than the original.
(31 July 2018)

We cut the distance in half by making this move.
(31 July 2018)

For a list of reasons, we decided to move to Missouri rather than moving back home to Colorado.
(31 July 2018)

Long story short, I was screwed over in my job, and we ended up in a really rough situation that caused us to have to make the decision to leave.
(31 July 2018)

I went through the process to obtain permission from the State of Colorado and established a parenting plan with my ex-husband.
(31 July 2018)

A little over a year ago, I relocated from Colorado to Tennessee due to my job with my minor children and my current husband.
(31 July 2018)

I trust him enough to think he's telling me the truth about himself.
(31 July 2018)

I just want to say when I said I know how to search up imagines I mean like he has shown me pictures of the money inside his wallet and that was real and shown me pictures of some of his vehicles and that was real.
(31 July 2018)

This is a gay relationship so don t assume I am a girl.
(31 July 2018)

He lives in Texas and I live in Indiana and I have talked to him enough to know that he is actually able to financially where I wouldn t have to work and I can trust him on that because I know how to search up pictures.
(31 July 2018)

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