Friday 10 August 2018

Been a good month

Its been a surprisingly good month for me. Hope its the same for all the people here!_ Edwina:She works with a slew of 16-17 year olds who are still in high school.(2 August 2018) Edwina:She is 27 years old and works in customer service.(2 August 2018) Edwina:I’m embarrassed for her, but I promise she’s a good person who [...]

The thing is that this isn't what I want.
(7 August 2018)

Now it's almost like a friends with benefits thing, except with a deeper connection.
(7 August 2018)

We both still deeply love each other, so of course we stayed intimate.
(7 August 2018)

He is finishing up his degree and getting settled in a career path.
(7 August 2018)

Long story short he wanted to take a step back from the realtionship because of how busy his life is getting.
(7 August 2018)

My father is my mother's brother-in-law..?
(7 August 2018)

Should I hate my mother for doing the very thing she always lectured me never to do and look down on anyone who had an affair?
(7 August 2018)

Really hard to wrap my head around it... Would that mean my mom is also my aunt considering she is married to my uncle?
(7 August 2018)

I found out here recently as well as my dad-well technically uncle but he is still my dad in my eyes since he raised me-that I'm apparently an offspring of an affair between my mother and her brother in law-my dad's brother.
(7 August 2018)

I f your father is non existent and your mother is an abusive narsicist and you ahve nomoney ande get bullied at school how does this?
(7 August 2018)

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