Monday, 20 August 2018

Alien Interpreters? How Linguists Would Talk to E.T.

In the upcoming sci-fi drama “Arrival,” several mysterious spacecraft touch down around the planet, and humanity is faced with how to approach — and eventually communicate — with these extraterres_ Erlinda:I have a habit of playing video games and being on my phone the whole day.(14 August 2018) Tilda:We were together for years afterward (still are). When [...]

She was my only purpose in life.
(16 August 2018)

Nothing in life was important to me, but her.
(16 August 2018)

We were never friends and I was too shy to approach her.
(16 August 2018)

I was in the same classroom with a girl for 6 years.
(16 August 2018)

Is being too sensitive bad? Am I bad fiance? Please give me advice?
(16 August 2018)

But then if I bring it up he will tell me that I ruin us and that im no good and keep taking us back because I cant get over the past.
(16 August 2018)

Then this morning I woke up just feeling so poorly because he just kept rejecting me. and he got upset at me because why cant I move on....and we got into a fight and now I feel like my feelings weren't dealt with.
(16 August 2018)

Then later he says good night through text just like that. and that's when I got upset.
(16 August 2018)

However, I tried I kept trying to hug him and he kept denying me.
(16 August 2018)

Anyways he told me he hated how he dissapointed me and I comforted him and told him he didn't and so I tried to be so kind to him and I understood he didn't want them and that he was the best for me and didn''t disappoint me.
(16 August 2018)

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