Friday, 6 July 2018

Reminded of him

A pic that made me think of my ex. It was a screen shot of a FB post.Guy: My Olympic Condoms have finally arrived… Think I wear gold tonight Girl Comment: Maybe you can wear silver instead and come_ Randee:He’d bring her up rarely and i would never put a second thought into it.(26 June 2018) Randee:He [...]

How should I let him down nicely?
(2 July 2018)

But at the same time he can see me on the voice chats (which is really awkward because I'm obviously not busy) I think this guy is starting to get a bit attached to me and I want to end things with him.
(2 July 2018)

He always messages me asking if we can talk and I say that i'm busy.
(2 July 2018)

I don't want to do this with him anymore because I feel as though the only reason he talks to me is for sexual gratification.
(2 July 2018)

So I met this guy on there and we've had two private conversations which turned pretty sexual.
(2 July 2018)

So i'm on this site called discord where basically its where people join a server and voice chat or text chat with each other.
(2 July 2018)

Be Honest!?
(3 July 2018)

You guys like being a troll on here sometimes don't you?
(3 July 2018)

Why do girls change in highschool?
(3 July 2018)

I just wanna know why girls change attitude out of the blue.
(3 July 2018)

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