Saturday 14 July 2018

Love to my blog followers

You guys have no idea what an outlet my blog has been for me. It is the best form of release and has helped push me through some tough times. I write because it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it m_ Hyun:Okay, so there’s this girl in my class who likes my best friend [...]

I'm a guy whose passion is sports and am a die Hard sports fan.
(12 July 2018)

I have just about no sex drive?
(12 July 2018)

I had more opportunity back in the day until 9th grade. my social potential was about the same for some months after this happened. very confusing I know.
(12 July 2018)

I exercise almost everyday and don't use drugs and my 5k time is 17:47 at age 17 but when I desired girls and didn't train much I got 18:54 at age 12. I have a few friends. no girlfriends.
(12 July 2018)

I think it was the small dose of antidepressants.
(12 July 2018)

I still take antidepressants but when I would get off it with the longest being 6 months I saw no change.
(12 July 2018)

I got on antidepressants in july of 2014 and Im pretty sure I got backstabbed and cheated on.
(12 July 2018)

I was very attracted to girls in the 7th grade and some of 8th grade. a week into dating my girlfriend in November 2014. I stopped being attracted to girls and it remained like this for about 3 years 8 months.
(12 July 2018)

We are just too different and frankly I think having these forced hang outs is making things worse between us.
(12 July 2018)

He didn't want to come, which is ok.
(12 July 2018)

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