Friday 6 July 2018

I Can Mess This Hair Up , If I Want To Mess This Hair Up

Announcer: At Bosley Hair Replacement clinics we not only regrow your hair, we make you a total belligerent, dickhead.Real Bosley Client: F*ck all, y’all. I’m messin’ my f*cking hair up! I’m gonna_ Pamella:My father abandoned us 2 years later.(27 June 2018) Pamella:This was 1966. No police would interfere with a domestic situation.(27 June 2018) Pamella:My mother was 39 [...]

Either I didn't see it or I overlooked it; not sure.
(3 July 2018)

At one time I thought we were so similar but I was wrong.
(3 July 2018)

We come from two different sides of the fence with how we think.
(3 July 2018)

After 31 years together it's hard to hear but I guess it's the truth.
(3 July 2018)

My father is a deceptive person. How do I know when he is fibbing vs. causing serious hurt?
(3 July 2018)

This girl I like is 26, no kids and makes 32.50 an hour, is something wrong with her?
(3 July 2018)

She's also a model with very nice body but I can't help thinking something must be wrong with her.
(3 July 2018)

She always pays for dinner even on her small salary which is ok I guess.
(3 July 2018)

Most women her age seem to have children and make more money than her.
(3 July 2018)

I like her but she has never had children and makes such little money.
(3 July 2018)

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