Monday, 2 July 2018

Have you ever spoiled a man?

Financially and sexually? Men, have you ever been spoiled this way by a woman? If so, how did it work out, did you end up having a long happy committed relationship or did it backfire?This post is an_ Nina:My relationship was ended yesterday and although it was final I’m still holding onto hope…it’s not helped by [...]

Jeff always says, The Bible says this so it agrees, the Bible reports this therefore it approves.
(28 June 2018)

How Do I Tell My Parents?
(28 June 2018)

I want to have summer fun with him before I put all my mind into college.
(28 June 2018)

I would wait for the summer to end but that's excruciating when all I want to do is be around him.
(28 June 2018)

I want to be able to have him pick me up and hang out with me without needing to always hide it.
(28 June 2018)

But my parents think the internet is Satan and if I tell them how we met, they won't allow me to speak to him (their house their rules). How do I tell them he's in my life without them freaking out?
(28 June 2018)

I'm recently 18 (about 3 months into it) and I'm living with my parents until college starts after the summer.
(28 June 2018)

Why do some girls like me and others don't?
(28 June 2018)

So why do these girls not like me if way more attractive girls do?
(28 June 2018)

I would say that I'm definitely more attracted to girls personalities than their looks.
(28 June 2018)

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