Tuesday 24 July 2018

Dumb is not Unique to One Place :)

1. In seven U.S. states, according to their constitutions, atheists are barred from holding public office.2. In Minnesota, a person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.3. Interracial m_ Maida:He let me sleep on the bed while he slept on the floor.(22 July 2018) Maida:He bought me drinks and after since it was [...]

And my 12yr old pretty much listens, but also sometimes he gives me a look that seems to me him saying whatever or something worse.
(23 July 2018)

My husband says tell them to do it and stop asking why, and if they dont take whats most important to them.they get upset of course and my 4 yr old either crys or tells me no.
(23 July 2018)

They say things like why do i have to do this, why cant i go?
(23 July 2018)

Even though I do try to implement the new rules, although, they still dont listen most of the time.
(23 July 2018)

He says take they're stuff and whip them.
(23 July 2018)

I want them to follow the rules he's set down but it's hard changing it.
(23 July 2018)

This is causing problems for him and I.
(23 July 2018)

He doesn't understand that they've been raised like that they're whole life and changing it may take some time.
(23 July 2018)

So he tells me to discipline them more and I do believe they need it but I'm not sure what to do.
(23 July 2018)

He has new rules for them to follow, not unreasonable rules, but he's not ever here to enforce them.
(23 July 2018)

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