Monday 4 June 2018

Round numbers

I like round numbers. With this post, for a short while anyway, I’ll have 400 posts and 1000 comments in this blog. Modest numbers certainly, but I like all the zeros.Prof_ Dreama:I don’t like talking to my husband anymore? Is that normal?(3 June 2018) Dreama:It is getting to the point where I no longer enjoy his company.(3 [...]

Then when she got drunk one night and messaged me asking questions which led to both of us liking each other and finding both of us attractive.
(31 May 2018)

Her husband works nights so she will message me late those days.
(31 May 2018)

I work with this girl who is married, we talk everyday at work, and would text all day and sometimes into late at night.
(31 May 2018)

How do I get a guy to trust me?
(31 May 2018)

How can i get him to give me a chance?
(31 May 2018)

But he told me he had his heart broken by his ex and cannot trust girls anymore and doesn't want to be in a relationship.
(31 May 2018)

I met this guy i really like and i know he likes me too.
(31 May 2018)

My girlfriend of two years just broke up with me without notice and blocked me on everything. I love her so much what do I do?
(31 May 2018)

Would you run me over for money if it was legal?
(31 May 2018)

Lets imagine for a moment that there is a contract I can sign so it would be legal to run me over withought going to jsil.Please tell me: Your gender?
(31 May 2018)

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