Monday 4 June 2018


Seems like it might be time to write a review of Trumps VP announcement speech a few days ago as the rnc drones on in the background tonight. His tirade against Clinton had me wondering how she was_ Bong:Could I actually be having feelings for this person or am I getting them now because they said [...]

And one more thing im not taking birth control pills at the moment.
(31 May 2018)

Younger brother touching older sister?
(31 May 2018)

Is it normal at this age to be curious?
(31 May 2018)

If a 10 year old child has been caught innapropriately touching his older sister as she slept, what would you do?
(31 May 2018)

I asked out a female friend and colleague at work & she rejected me?
(31 May 2018)

Why is she acting upset when I'M the one who was rejected?
(31 May 2018)

Afterwards she's been acting upset with me in the office & ignores & snaps at me if I try to talk to her for work tasks.
(31 May 2018)

Is it possible we are just staying friends cuz we both know a relationship is probably impossible?
(31 May 2018)

I know like a relationship wont work cuz we re moving to different countries soon, but what do you all think?
(31 May 2018)

So theres this girl that I like and I think she likes me too (go to lunches, movies, etc together and other signs) but the thing is, we maintain that we are just friends.
(31 May 2018)

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