Tuesday 15 May 2018

What’s new with me

Just in case anyone wonders… I closed on my condo this week. I am officially moving in Sunday. I feel like all my free time has been spent packing, sorting, getting rid of stuff, shopping for new_ Laurel:It doesn t really matter if he likes me or not but i was just curious as to what [...]

My family has recently pointed out to me, that I never ask them for help.
(11 May 2018)

Why do I always see women dating really lame boring men?
(11 May 2018)

Guys who come in looking like they are about to die of boredom who barely say anything to their girlfriends and just stare at their phones.
(11 May 2018)

I see women dating these guys all the time at a steakhouse restaurant I work at.
(11 May 2018)

Guys who are boring, not good looking, have no personality, who are basically just lifeless souls floating through life.
(11 May 2018)

She's had a bad experience with needles it's really the only thing that bothers her.
(11 May 2018)

When she has to have IV'S or shots she freaks out she especially hates IV'S.
(11 May 2018)

My girlfriend is having a baby in November she's scared of hospitals she's terrified of needles.
(11 May 2018)

Do I Still Have a Chance?
(11 May 2018)

I asked out my crush, but was rejected.
(11 May 2018)

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