Tuesday 1 May 2018

Saw my ex yesterday

I’m so happy that I’m a free woman! To be honest, he was a good dad, did his fair share of work around the house. it wasn’t that he was a bad guy, no addictions, didn’t cheat, you know, he was prett_ Joseph:He said he couldnt saturday because he has plans with another friend.(30 April 2018) Joseph:My [...]

Shes turned ne against evetyone I had a chance to go vidit or move in with so now Im all to herself with no social life or friends.
(26 April 2018)

I yhink of cgeating now too but my morals stop me.
(26 April 2018)

I dont know what to do except consider leaving.
(26 April 2018)

We seem to be roomates now rather than lovers.
(26 April 2018)

She treats sex like unwrapping a candy really fast and is too aggressive and fast at the wirst times after spending so much time anoying me or talkinh too much trash.
(26 April 2018)

She's gitten really obese and has zero skills at turning me on.
(26 April 2018)

I do nothing but try to make her happy, whenever I complsin about something she does that upsets me like knocking and touching my glasses all the time to smudge or hit them accidentally, she storms off and throws a fit.
(26 April 2018)

Is it weird to have a wedding ring from a video game as your own wedding ring?
(26 April 2018)

For some reason I find this kind of odd as I feel a replica of the lucii is more like merchandise than a wedding ring... My views on this however could be totally wrong so that is why I would like some different views apart from my own.
(26 April 2018)

Me and my boyfriend are planning on getting married and he wants to get a replica of the lucii from Final Fantasy 15 as his wedding ring.
(26 April 2018)

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