Saturday, 14 April 2018

A story to be told

Every song I hear these days Makes me think of youAll the sappy happy love songsAll the lonely teary-eyed onesThe hopeful piecesThe ones about lossI hear you in everyone else’s words I see you in ever_ Silvia:We have country love songs that play on the radio..and when they walk by her desk or are sitting by [...]

Women expect tons of things from a romantic partner, men only expect very few things yet women complain and call men shallow?
(10 April 2018)

Im having relationship drama?
(10 April 2018)

I dont know what to do, or if i leave how to approach the topic.
(10 April 2018)

I know he loves me but i know what we have is not normal.
(10 April 2018)

We fight a lot and the fights get very bad, i love him but its taking a toll on me and on him but everytime i leave he chases me and promises to change.
(10 April 2018)

I been with this guy for 4 years.
(10 April 2018)

How to have sex when he's out of my league?
(10 April 2018)

I've always been pretty lucky with the guys and have felt like I could compete and even be OK with guys hotter than me.....but this dude is too hot and it makes me feel like Danny Devito by comparison.
(10 April 2018)

He's really, really into me.... but I just keep seeing him as lightyears out of my league.
(10 April 2018)

He's dying for us to get together and even have a long-term FWB fling.
(10 April 2018)

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