Monday 30 April 2018

A guy to help heal a broken heart

I hope to one day meet someone amazing that will help me heal and forget all about the ex. There are things I’m doing myself but I welcome the day when I find someone where their love helps fix th_ Rachael:She takes pictures of us together and sends me the picture to put on Facebook to [...]

Next door neighbor?
(24 April 2018)

Military Spouses - How did you handle your husband leaving for BCT?
(24 April 2018)

Also was moving all in 1 week hard?
(24 April 2018)

Colorado is 1st choice because he has other friends serving there (tankers) but I'm still unsure on the last 2. I know we may not get it but I just like to be really prepared.
(24 April 2018)

Also if y'all have any advice on what base would be best for a tanker let me know.
(24 April 2018)

I know he won't be able to call much but I thought they could when they got there?
(24 April 2018)

In all the videos I watched they were able to call their family to tell them they made it.
(24 April 2018)

Do they have a phone they can call from?
(24 April 2018)

I'm worried that he can't call because his phone was dead.
(24 April 2018)

He told me to be strong so I get up every day and clean the house and feed the dogs but that just makes me miss him more.
(24 April 2018)

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