Tuesday 6 March 2018

Scratching An Itch

Indulgence: the act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy; something that is done or enjoyed as a special pleasure This site is built around indulgence_ Genevieve:I drink pretty heavily, smoke cigarettes and weed fairly constantly, and don t eat how I should.(27 February 2018) Genevieve:So, the real [...]

I'm going to make a dr appointment but it takes a while to get in and get results so I'm just looking for opinions?
(2 March 2018)

Is it possible to have negative test and still be pregnant?
(2 March 2018)

I have 2 kids so the feeling is very familiar.
(2 March 2018)

My breast are extremely sore and I keep getting spells of nausea.
(2 March 2018)

My stomach is starting to bulge and my uterus feels very full and heavy.
(2 March 2018)

I took another one and its negative.
(2 March 2018)

The next period only lasted 3 days and was only blood clots.
(2 March 2018)

About 3 months ago I had what I assume was an ectopic pregnancy because I had positive pregnancy test and than started my period and got negative test after wards.
(2 March 2018)

What do you feel about this girl name?
(2 March 2018)

I don't really know and i honestly need help figuring this out.
(2 March 2018)

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