Thursday 1 March 2018

Pat and is a man

Joseph relaxes gets up with the black socks and puts one in a right slipper and a left in left slipper and says”fold” and hangs up._ Angel:How to meet 2d anime girl singels?(27 February 2018) Juliann:Why does he say hello to me if I obviously try to ignore him?!?(27 February 2018) June:But seriously guys?(27 February 2018) Reita:Think this was [...]

She dumped me and I cant get over her! What can I do?
(25 February 2018)

Im starting to think she doesnt love me so much or she was playing with me.
(25 February 2018)

Im trying to be positive and forget her but im hurting so much.
(25 February 2018)

Why do all conservatives now lie and say they were never prejudiced against gays, when I was thrown out of the US Army for being gay in '97?
(25 February 2018)

Oh, and just so conservatives can't REWRITE history, I was in during Bill Clinton who ASKED CONGRESS for FULL RIGHTS for gays in the military.
(25 February 2018)

Boy is always staring?
(25 February 2018)

Does he like me and why does he stare and don't approach?
(25 February 2018)

Would have Hilter & cato get along?
(25 February 2018)

Is this LDR worth it?
(25 February 2018)

If there's no definite end plan is it even worth it?
(25 February 2018)

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