Sunday, 11 March 2018

6 years

it’s been six long years since the death of my son some days are better then others this ones not so good the pain the anger the sadness I’m still learning to deal the only good thing that came from t_ Nisha:Which look is more intimidating on a big man?(4 March 2018) Nisha:Shaved head with goatee or [...]

He has befriended a girl out here virtually who my last ex cheated on me with, and it destroyed the relationship.
(7 March 2018)

I started long distance dating a guy who is moving to my area soon.
(7 March 2018)

What does it mean if a guy wants to punish you?
(7 March 2018)

I've been single for 7 years 26 years old?
(7 March 2018)

Im not a weirdo or anything . I been sober for a year now . im an alcoholic.
(7 March 2018)

I actually got diagnosed last year with bipolar depression and anxiety so im pretty sure it plays a big role.
(7 March 2018)

Maybe when I get meds it will help calm me down.
(7 March 2018)

I try to just be myself but then I just spazz out in the end and say somethING . im pretty sure my therapist thinks im gay.
(7 March 2018)

I guess I just have low self esteem.
(7 March 2018)

I never put myself out there as much as I should.
(7 March 2018)

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