Monday 12 February 2018

whats the biggest age difference between you and a sexual partner??

I’ve been seeing a man faithfully for 3 years.. once every couple months for playtime he’s 81and a great lover_ Cameron:I am confident i can have friends one day, if i meet like minded individuals, and its not like i cant talk to women, but i have zero experience with relationships, so i have no clue [...]

What documentary is this?!?
(8 February 2018)

Think it's a fairly old documentary - something similar to The shabby Dog?
(8 February 2018)

The screen roles to credits and we hear his heartbeat stop.
(8 February 2018)

At the end, this one puppy is put on a lead and walked out.
(8 February 2018)

We watch as the other puppies get adopted and this one is left behind.
(8 February 2018)

It's filmed in a pet store following the lives of new puppies and one in particular.
(8 February 2018)

The documentary has no voice over.
(8 February 2018)

I don't feel like I'll ever move on?
(8 February 2018)

My crush calls me by my real name?
(8 February 2018)

He used to call me by my nickname, how literally everyone does, but now he calls me by real name?
(8 February 2018)

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