Monday 5 February 2018

Scotland introduces gender-neutral restrooms

…_ Na:Or should they let their child drown in huge debt and not be able to own a house for the next 20 years?(29 January 2018) Signe:I think im getting depression..?(29 January 2018) Clarinda:WHat does it mean when a guy?(29 January 2018) Clarinda:HAs expensive watch and expensive shoes?(29 January 2018) Dian:Would you name your child after your favorite comic character?(29 [...]

Need an excuse to see an old mate as mom won't let me go without a good reason?
(1 February 2018)

My alcoholic uncle died. What do I say about him at the funeral when I only met the guy twice and his own kids didn't know him?
(1 February 2018)

So my question is what do I say at the funeral when I only met this man twice and it was brief both times?
(1 February 2018)

All I know is his ex-wife grounded the kids from ever seeing him again and claimed she was protecting them (not sure if I believe that). Also I know he was a Cleveland Browns fan and according to my Mom a racist when young.
(1 February 2018)

Nothing against him but my Mom wants me to speak and all I remember about the guy is he barely spoke two words.
(1 February 2018)

My mother wants me to go to Rhode Island with her for the funeral (it is her brother). She is mad that two of his three kids are not attending the funeral (at their mother's request) but they do not know him.
(1 February 2018)

Why is my husbands coworker overly helpful?
(1 February 2018)

There have been no late night or early morning calls, no money missing from our account that would raise any more red flags...but her overly excitable texts.
(1 February 2018)

My husband says that he asked her to help us...but I don't get a good feeling about her.
(1 February 2018)

While her textss that I seen before seem overly excited and kinda flirty, she hasn't said anything in them that I would see as a huge red flag.
(1 February 2018)

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