Tuesday 20 February 2018

Rocket Salad or Anal?

Up until 4 years ago, I had never allowed anything green to pass my lips. Didn’t like veg, salad was a no-no.Then one day at an event with a finger buffet, I scooped up some Ravioli which I mistoo_ Tonette:Frist of all she is overweight, and I never put her down for it. she come home [...]

I've already spent over $10,000 for her first semester away at college, and she failed 3 of her 4 classes.
(15 February 2018)

My daughter is 18, and this is her first year of college.
(15 February 2018)

Or wait til I actually get the internship?
(15 February 2018)

Should I tell my friend about it now?
(15 February 2018)

Of course I don't know if I'll get the internship but I think there's a good chance that I might.
(15 February 2018)

Part of me feels bad for even applying because I knew one of the days conflicted with the wedding.
(15 February 2018)

I knew about the wedding before I knew about the internship.
(15 February 2018)

However, on one of the days of the internship, my best friend is getting married, and I'm in the wedding.
(15 February 2018)

How do I manage anxiety over a guy not getting in touch?
(15 February 2018)

And yes, I'm waiting for CBT for anxiety.
(15 February 2018)

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