Friday, 2 February 2018

It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it?

Two and a half years.Holy macaroni. It’s been a while hasn’t it? So what have I been up to, you ask. And I answer, a whole lot of life. Some things got resolved while others are just wrapping up. But_ Jeanene:No one really gave me congrats on my new job. How should I feel about it?(1 [...]

I told ex our son recently asked me if his Dad and I ever liked each other.
(29 January 2018)

Now that son is getting older, he's seeing how his father treats me.
(29 January 2018)

Ex told me that he has primary custody of our son (ex had $ for a lawyer, I didn't) and I shouldn't feel the need to include him.
(29 January 2018)

I let our son know that I do invite his father for every holiday and birthday - because it is the truth - and his father chooses to not attend.
(29 January 2018)

Ex refuses to come to any celebration I throw at my house for son - ex says we should have our own separate parties.
(29 January 2018)

Ex refuses to come into my house.
(29 January 2018)

Ex refuses to let me in his house.
(29 January 2018)

My son is noticing the difference on how ex treats me and how his stepmom is treated.
(29 January 2018)

I don't have one photo with son, ex and I - he refused to take any pics with me.
(29 January 2018)

Ex does everything with them he never did with me - for example: He takes photos with them.
(29 January 2018)

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