Tuesday, 6 February 2018

If You Are A Man And Suck Cock

You are NOT straight! WTF is so difficult about that?!? Get over yourself and accept who you are! Fuck!_ Vella:I have been recently talking to this one girl i like, and today i saw her but didnt talk because she was with her friend.(31 January 2018) Joey:Women: What age guy do you find most attractive: age 16, [...]

She is slim but curvy, she may be tall or petite.
(2 February 2018)

She is sassy, sarcastic, and is turning twenty one in her first year of college.
(2 February 2018)

Honey blonde hair and eyes the color of a brownie.
(2 February 2018)

Why's he being a jerk?
(2 February 2018)

I intended on fulfilling my 2 weeks, but he accused me of something I didn't do so I never showed back up after that day.
(2 February 2018)

In August, I left the job because I didn't like how management (including him) was treating me.
(2 February 2018)

Overtime, the more douchey he became towards me.
(2 February 2018)

At the work holiday party, he didn't speak to me once.
(2 February 2018)

He stopped discussing anything with me that wasn't work-related.
(2 February 2018)

He started being pretty rude to me and we didn't always get along.
(2 February 2018)

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