Friday 16 February 2018

Got What it Takes?

“Got What it Takes” is the name of the song! Thinking about Meelp’s next photo competition. Has to do with New Years Resolutions. Not sure if I will enter yet as the whole premise has to do with regre_ McKenzie:He obviously has a thing for the both of us, but I think Both her and I [...]

They don't give importance to guys looks anymore and the ignoring approach doesn't work anymore( speaking to her and her ignoring her until she comes and speaks to you). It works for me but the girl takes time to come.
(12 February 2018)

These days I have observed how girls think.
(12 February 2018)

How do i cry on command?
(12 February 2018)

How do I ignore exs friends opinions?
(12 February 2018)

This girl friend has constantly posted other things about me.
(12 February 2018)

His friend posted a quote that I feel was directed towards me saying I had too much ego for not speaking to him.
(12 February 2018)

I haven't posted subliminal poems directed towards him.
(12 February 2018)

I broke up with my ex and I haven't been rude about it all over Instagram.
(12 February 2018)

I really feel my 'sister' is abnormal and potentially could be a danger in the future, should this behaviour continue.
(12 February 2018)

Everytime I complain to them about her behaviour, they act as though I am the bad person and always say 'she's only young'. I don't know about others but, even as a 17-18 year old i NEVER thought about stealing.
(12 February 2018)

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