How’s that for a title? I’m sure a few clicked on this blog just because of it. Good. I am an attention whore. I like to read others thoughts, and I read others blogs on here all the time. I like to l_ Augusta:To conclude, her being so easy is creeping me out and i dont [...]
And Now he is posting photos of him there (without mentioning the location) but its pretty obvious where he is.
(13 February 2018)
Three weeks after the coffee date, i find out through a colleague that he is visiting my country for holiday and going to places I had suggested to him on the date.
(13 February 2018)
Fair enough, however I notice him looking at me again at work and one time almost staring in my eyes.
(13 February 2018)
He replied the next day saying that the truth is he doesnt want any serious relationship at the moment.
(13 February 2018)
I started to develop feelings for him so I thought I would ask him out the next weekend as friends this time.
(13 February 2018)
He noticed that I was upset and he said sorry if i upset u and hugged me.
(13 February 2018)
We had a lovely time and at the end of the date he tells me that hes not comfortable dating someone who works with him but that he LIKES me and Would like to remain friends.
(13 February 2018)
He looked at me daily for 3 months, he even watched me dance at a work party (he thought he was being sneeky but i saw him) I got curious so I asked him out for coffee, he said yes.
(13 February 2018)
Do you ever feel awkward in your own skin?
(13 February 2018)
I just want to fix what feels wrong with me.
(13 February 2018)
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