Monday 12 February 2018

As a Mister

As a Mister I’m into most common things very little is off limits. I haven’t reached the darkest side yet, that is; suffocation, deprivation, defecation, or the number one main thing hemorrhaging.I ca_ Annika:Daniel: My friend Mary: His girl cousin So it all started with daniel posting a picture with Mary on social media and by [...]

And how our child which we dreamed off, would be named and would grow up.
(8 February 2018)

Children and long term family relations and all the other bs, I can t see it.
(8 February 2018)

Now I am not, I can be with one person and have all the satisfaction out of my life with her, but when the idea of a real future comes along.
(8 February 2018)

I was in the past a serial cheater.
(8 February 2018)

What day did I conceive?
(8 February 2018)

Had sex November 8th and November 12th does it make sense that it would be one of those days?
(8 February 2018)

Should I send her a picture of my junk?
(8 February 2018)

I also want to make her horny so we can have sex after.
(8 February 2018)

Should I send her a photo so she knows what she is getting into?
(8 February 2018)

I told her about the spare bedroom I have where I tend to store all my extra stuff that I don't really need and she said she'd help me organize it.
(8 February 2018)

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