Sunday 4 February 2018

Angels & Demons

I loved her not for the way she danced with the angels,but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons._ Rutha:She then started telling me off and grabbed me by the hair and told me to get on my knees and kiss her feet.(28 January 2018) Rutha:When I told her that I won’t [...]

How do I stop her from hurting me like this?
(31 January 2018)

I want to stay friends with her but she's starting to act like her mom.
(31 January 2018)

That's literally the least she can do after I planned something and bothered to invite her.
(31 January 2018)

I'm sick of inviting her places and making an effort to include her only for her to stab me in the back by not even asking if she can go.
(31 January 2018)

She told one of our other friends that she sometimes tells us no to doing things when she didn't even ask at all which is so rude.
(31 January 2018)

The worst part is that she's being a bad friend now.
(31 January 2018)

It keeps happening like that, I'll ask her to sleep over and her mom will say no immediately, then say yes only to say no again and sometimes change her mind last second when it's already too late to keep the plans.
(31 January 2018)

It really hurts me when I invite her over or ask her to hang out on the weekends and all she says is no.
(31 January 2018)

I wish she at least try to avoid getting punished but she doesn't even seem to be trying, she claims that she's punished every day and I have no choice but to believe her because even if I ask her mom its no.
(31 January 2018)

Her mom takes her phone away for every reason, so she's never there when I need her to talk to her or get help on homework.
(31 January 2018)

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