Wednesday 10 January 2018

What’s in a screen name?

Thanks for the response to my blog. I was expecting real insightful answers from MEN! Don’t care what you two think. Did you read my profile? GAY…looking for MEN. I am not on here for women especial_ Camelia:She was not financially ready to be on her own, and i think that is the root of the [...]

I know this seems kind of cliche since we re both adults but I don t know how to go about it.
(8 January 2018)

And what are some ways I could maybe get him to ask me for it?
(8 January 2018)

I m 24, he s 27. Should I say something or play it cool?
(8 January 2018)

Yesterday we were there for a few hours. he seems into me, as in conversing, laughing, smiling, etc but hasn t asked for my number yet.
(8 January 2018)

I met this guy who seems totally like my type (so far) and we talk pretty much every time we are both there.
(8 January 2018)

I go to this place a few times a week with my dog (it s a dog bar thing) so he can run around and play , and I ll get a beer or two and it s a wonderful environment.
(8 January 2018)

I ve tried talking with her but seems to think everything is fine.
(8 January 2018)

She claims she is happy has everything she ever wanted really.
(8 January 2018)

She is also also about 80 lbs overweight and has no desire to help herself even with my positive encouragement . She is also very moody and that s the icing on the cake and the straw that will break this camels back.
(8 January 2018)

I do a lot of little things to try and make her happy.
(8 January 2018)

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