Tuesday 16 January 2018

Weekend Stripper Song of the Night, 5.6.16

“Cum On Feel The Noize,” by Quiet Riot (1983)_ Ona:My mother allowed me around her sister’s brother-in-law who is a known child abuser. Is this neglectful parenting?(14 January 2018) Ona:Should I point this out to her next time she tried to defend alienating me from my own Dad?(14 January 2018) Ona:So was my mother neglectful in doing this?(14 [...]

I don't have any classes with her an I really don't know her.
(14 January 2018)

There is a girl I really want to ask out.
(14 January 2018)

I'm literally going crazy and don't know what to do?
(14 January 2018)

I can't eat, cook, clean, shower, or go to the bathroom without screaming.
(14 January 2018)

I never expected people to baby sit him a lot but maybe once or twice a month.
(14 January 2018)

I haven't had a night alone with my husband in months.
(14 January 2018)

I honestly feel like I'm going crazy and I'm starting to resent my own baby for putting strain on my relationship with my first child and relationship with my husband.
(14 January 2018)

My husband offers to watch him while I do something but then he calls and texts the whole time saying how he's screaming.
(14 January 2018)

I've tried different sleep methods including the cry it out method.
(14 January 2018)

He won't take pacifiers, he never liked the swing or rocker or mamaroo bouncer.
(14 January 2018)

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