Dearest heartThat I feel beat much Stronger than my own.Or when close to the otherThe beats become parallelMatching in rhythm.I think of your heartLike buried treasure.For since it’s been discovered.I_ Gertrude:I like this guy and hung out with him sunday night to monday morning (slept over). Then he hasn’t been able to hang out Monday or [...]
Asian Culture?
(22 January 2018)
Because I am confuse I only see asian men with asian women.
(22 January 2018)
How does the asian culture view white women?
(22 January 2018)
Is it because of the asian culture?
(22 January 2018)
Why is that you don't see white women and asian men together.
(22 January 2018)
PARENTS constantly pulling me into arguments?
(22 January 2018)
I honestly have no idea what to do.. I'm only a teenager and this stress has become too much to bear.
(22 January 2018)
She immediately got very upset with me and told me how my dad had his family and she had no one on her side (both her parents and only sibling passed away) and that if i only knew about my dad I would be on her side.
(22 January 2018)
I finally went to my mom and told her that I did not want to pick a side bc I simply was not going to choose between them.
(22 January 2018)
This whole situation has become very stressfuly to me and bc of it I have not been doing very well in school.
(22 January 2018)
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