Saturday 20 January 2018


I think it’s a good place to start as long as you remember that it’s not always accurate. It keeps doing the impossible though. How many discoveries started with ‘what if’ . Then; if so, how?I figur_ Leeann:This quarter however, he’s decided to move back in and things are as awkward as they could possibly be.(17 [...]

Even asked me if he would get to meet my friends to which I replied I'm not too sure about that.
(16 January 2018)

He's been referring to us dating.
(16 January 2018)

I enjoy his company but I don't have even slight love or romantic like feelings.
(16 January 2018)

All I consider him is a nice dude I smash and hang out with.
(16 January 2018)

So I've been seeing this guy and I think he may be getting a bit attached.
(16 January 2018)

I was sitting w my friends at a table and the table next to me was my crush sitting w his friends. Accidentally, We both looked at each?
(16 January 2018)

Other and from the corner of my eye i noticed him look up and down at me in a non creepy way.
(16 January 2018)

My boyfriend and i broke up a couple weeks ago, we agreed to be friends. so her keeps on snapchatting me his streaks and when i respond?
(16 January 2018)

How to tell someone to stop bugging you?
(16 January 2018)

Sorry , I just HAD TO get this off my my chest.
(16 January 2018)

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