Tuesday 2 January 2018

Needing Help With Site Point Tips.

Needing Help With Site Point Tips. I am getting closer to earning 50,000 points to get a $100.00 cash award from Meelp. It’s taking time, so I am asking all my friends to help me out. Just click o_ Penni:Otw home she texted me mad about me acting the way I did and then we talked [...]

Is there a protocol or something.
(30 December 2017)

When the nurses come in to talk to US, they mainly look and speak to her.
(30 December 2017)

My friend is a Communist should I stop being friends him?
(30 December 2017)

I hate Communist because I think they're bad should I still have him as a friend?
(30 December 2017)

How can I move on from my 1st love ladies?
(30 December 2017)

The car ended up being damaged & impounded now im being sued .I don't bother to ask him for money for our son if I know he doesn't have it & I have never threaten child support . I also have never kept our son away from him no matter how wrong he did.
(30 December 2017)

I gave him one more chance & let him move in with me & our son and I also got a car & insurance in my name for him . he used the car in armed robbery and assault.
(30 December 2017)

I quit school and stop chasing my dreams because he convinced me that nothing make me special enough or smart enough to accomplish them.
(30 December 2017)

We have been through alot together & it breaks my heart so much to have to do this.
(30 December 2017)

Im leaving my 1st love & my sons father because I cant handle it anymore I have fallen out of love.
(30 December 2017)

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