Friday 12 January 2018

indian men r most narrow minded men on this platform !!

i came across thousands of Indians who r very narrow minded men who dont talk to women of other region and look for their own place only. i met people from world on this platform as many traveled and_ Mui:My boyfriend talks about other girls.?(9 January 2018) Mui:I’m not saying he’s entirely a bad person, he does [...]

How can I make friends?!?!?
(10 January 2018)

I am in my fourth year of college however, I transferred to another school so I am starting new.
(10 January 2018)

I really want to have someone to meet and laugh with.
(10 January 2018)

My one week old only waking twice to feed through the night?
(10 January 2018)

So at first I would wake up every two hours to feed, and every day I've noticed that time would gradually get longer through the night.
(10 January 2018)

HELP! Accuracy of this pregnancy test?
(10 January 2018)

If all three of these are negative, is there any way I could still be pregnant?
(10 January 2018)

So I have taken two home pregnancy tests which were both negative and tomorrow I am getting results of a pregnancy blood test I took at the doctor, because my period still did not come.
(10 January 2018)

How do you triangulate?
(10 January 2018)

I got a guys phone number at work yesterday, and now I want to triangulate the hell out of him.
(10 January 2018)

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