Tuesday 2 January 2018

He Comes To Me

He Comes To Me…He come to me in the night.His warm body next to mine. Hands, Mouth, Tongue claiming mine.He tells me I will be his, he is before me to claim me.His tongue claiming me. His hands mold_ Page:Will defax or something take away her child?(2 January 2018) Page:I know all of you people think you [...]

Whenever I do any sort of physical activity I get mild cramps that feel like menstrual cramps.
(30 December 2017)

I'm only 5 weeks along right now.
(30 December 2017)

My daughter is almost 2 years old.
(30 December 2017)

So how do I go on about letting my girlfriend own me?
(30 December 2017)

I joked about how she wants to mark her territory on me leaving some kind of evidence of her presence but I can't think of anything.
(30 December 2017)

For some strange reason I like this idea.
(30 December 2017)

However, I found out that she meant possessive as in she wants to own my body and treat it as her property.
(30 December 2017)

I think it's cute that she cares.
(30 December 2017)

She still allows me to have friends which was fine with me.
(30 December 2017)

When she said she was a little possessive I thought she meant she would get jealous.
(30 December 2017)

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