Someone wanted pics of lip rather than seeing a raft of “20 gynecological point of view shots”…….let alone the same Ass every single day…..oh, that last one was just my opinion…..Any_ Johna:Is it normal for a guy to always be horny?(17 January 2018) Johna:Everytime im chatting with my boyfriend he’s always horny and saying that i need [...]
I'm 36. At the time I was 30 and she knows I like younger women.
(16 January 2018)
Was he holding a gun to her head prior to marriage?
(16 January 2018)
Heard stories of her marriage she got out of that her husband at the time was raping her and locking her in the closet.
(16 January 2018)
Met her when she was 27 when my friend was banging her.
(16 January 2018)
Would you be upset and cut your parents out of your life for these reasons?
(16 January 2018)
I had to have a major surgery and I didn't have anyone to take care of me.
(16 January 2018)
It still happens in my adult life.
(16 January 2018)
My parents never talk to me about my emotions, or how I feel they always just treated me like a pet and a Slave.
(16 January 2018)
Every once in awhile I would get a beating.
(16 January 2018)
My dad was always upset and stressed and my mom took it out on me.
(16 January 2018)
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