Saturday 13 January 2018

Fix it Gates…

….for fuck’s sake, I’m begging you.[image]_ Shyla:All of a sudden, she has acted flakey an completely switched off towards me.(10 January 2018) Shyla:We spent the next two weeks meeting up and talking more.(10 January 2018) Shyla:She told me the following day she’s glad it’s happened as she thinks the world of me.(10 January 2018) Shyla:Okay, so before Xmas me [...]

I've been depressed about this and want to know if this terrible fact of our lives is worthy of how bad it's tearing me apart inside.
(10 January 2018)

So I am married with 4 children.
(10 January 2018)

Why do men always replace me?
(10 January 2018)

It happens so often that it has started to affect my self esteem.
(10 January 2018)

He disappears and later i find out he found another girl who is always prettier than Me and takes her more seriously.
(10 January 2018)

We flirt for a while have a short conversation and then he ghosts me.
(10 January 2018)

Its been happening my whole life.
(10 January 2018)

What do you do to zone out for long distance runs?
(10 January 2018)

Maybe it was to get a better background check of who i live with?
(10 January 2018)

P.S the asking my father if he was married was while i was speaking to someone.. I'm sure she was time filling until i was done with my conversation with someone else.
(10 January 2018)

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